Site Visitors from China

According to site stats, visitors from China rank 2nd among the top 10 visitors by country of When Selah Speaks. Yes, second only to the US, with the Philippines trailing behind China.

I find this quite interesting.

While I do not have Chinese ancestry, I have some ties with the Chinese, especially the Filipino-Chinese in the Philippines. One of my late mother’s best friends was Chinese. And one of my own god parents was Chinese who consistently gave me gifts pretty much during my childhood and elementary years.

My strongest link with the Chinese, however, is graduating Elementary and High School from a Chinese school. To this day, I can still sing the Chinese Anthem (March of the Volunteers) by memory. And back in 2017, my school invited me as guest speaker during their graduation ceremony.

I have to say here that I did not become fluent in reading or speaking Chinese, especially in reading. While I spent close to 10 years in a Chinese school and only 3 years in Thailand, I can speak much better Thai. And that is because, I use Thai daily while living in Thailand. There lies the difference. What we use daily, we remember or even become skilled at.

Up until today, I can still count on the friendship and help of some Chinese friends (even including their parents). And I am thankful that this is so.

And to my readers from China, I also want to say 多謝 (to-siā), we spoke more Fukien or Hokkien at school rather than Mandarin. And of course, 谢谢 (Xièxiè) to all Mandarin readers.

And here’s to better days and years ahead for all my readers wherever you are in the world!

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