Nine years. That’s how many years it’s been since I began this blog.
But here we are. I am still here blogging. And thankfully, When Selah Speaks is still “speaking.”
One of the things that blogging has taught me is that while your content matters in this day and age, how your blog looks also matters.

It’s like a battle of looks. Of visuals. And why should it not be? There’s so many things that grab people’s attention these days. It is for the good of every blogger/website administrator to always take notice of how one’s blog might come across to others.
In the simplest sense, does the internet audience even find the blog’s looks attractive enough? Does it draw them to explore it, to read it?
Well, the good news is there are surefire ways to make your blog or site look better. And it’s not even expensive (it can even be free!) nor is it rocket science. Really. Here are 3 ways to change your blog’s look:
- Use images. While this may seem like elementary to some bloggers out there, this needs to be stressed. I have seen such great, well-written blogs but when I check, what I find is all pure text. Don’t forget to also use clear, crisp images. If you do not trust your photography skills then use some of the free images available on the internet as an alternative. There are thousands that are free to use, offered as such from specific image or photo sites. Have mercy on your readers by giving them a great image to look at. Let images break the monotony of just seeing unhindered text on your site.
- Use artistic but reader-friendly fonts. The kind of fonts you use on your blog does matter. People won’t stay reading if they find them hard to read. After all, why not check some other site where they don’t have to squint their eyes to comprehend your content. The good thing is you can always adjust or change your fonts. And you can simply use a plug-in to do this. Plug-ins like Fontsy would be great to check out and use. You’ll have many options to choose from. To change the font, the look of your blog can just mean using a WordPress font plugin. It can be as easy as that. Not complicated at all.

- Experiment with new themes. You might tell me that you are sticking with your theme as this has to do with your branding. That this theme has always worked for you. So why change something when it’s still working? Well, a fresh look might just do good for your site. People love what looks new. And personally, I find changing my blog’s theme also helps me to look at my blog in a new way. It helps me get unstuck from the battle of finishing a blog post or the battle of continuing a blog. You don’t have to do frequent theme changes but be open to doing so.
So keep writing away online but keep in mind that how your blog looks matter, too. Just consider. Perhaps it’s time to make the change.
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