For most of us, a two day weekend is simply not enough. We need more time to relax and unwind, catch up with friends, and tick off all the chores we’ve held back during the week. It’s also not enough time to truly get away from it all and escape the humdrum of every day life. But a long weekend… well, that’s certainly enough time to go on a road trip and explore another part of the country. The Easter long weekend is the perfect time to get away and saddle up with family or friends and have an amazing adventure. Here are three tips you can use when planning your Easter long weekend road trip.
Prepare Your Car
Before hitting the road, make sure you’ve given your car a quick once over and checked to see that everything is in excellent working order. For a start, conduct a 5-point safety check on your vehicle. This means checking the lights and indicators, the tread on tyres, your brakes, your fluid levels, and all electrical components. It’s also a great idea to take your car in for a service a week or two before the big weekend. The last thing you need when on a short break away is to run into car trouble and spend the long weekend fixing your car instead of fixing a nice gin and tonic.

Take Turns Driving
It’s important that you share the driving duties when on a road trip, even if you love to drive. Fatigue can come on quite suddenly when you’re behind the wheel and being tired can significantly increase the risk of a crash. In fact, according to official statistics, driver fatigue is believed to contribute to around 30% of road crashes. So the next time you’re on a road trip with other people, make sure you take periodic breaks and take turns driving, and make your long weekend escape a safe one.
Obey the Road Rules
Finally, make an extra effort to obey all the road rules and traffic laws when on your Easter long weekend break. Why? Because not only will it make your trip that much safer, but many state governments enforce a “double demerit point” scheme over public holidays – including the Easter long weekend. These schemes were introduced to act as a deterrent for unsafe driving and to improve the driving behaviour of motorists over particularly busy holiday periods. Motorists not wearing a seat belt, riding without a helmet, or speeding – amongst other offences – will incur a significant fine and double demerit points. Law firms, such as Sinnamon Lawyers , may be able to help you should you run into trouble with the law over Easter, but prevention is always better than a cure. So be safe, obey all the rules, and have a stress-free long weekend break.
Do you have any other tips for planning the perfect Easter long weekend trip? Share some of your tips below and help other motorists have a safe and enjoyable short break.
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