Catapult Your Career: Short Courses to Take You to the Next Level

Sometimes change is as good as a holiday. If you can’t take a holiday, or change jobs, why not upskill your current job to the next level? The way that the employment market works is that often you start at the bottom and work your way up, so if you are looking for a change in your work, sometimes it is easier to move up the ladder. Here are some short courses which can take you to the next level and catapult your career into something that is a bit more you.


If you are simply working in hospitality as a waiter or kitchen hand, studying for your RSA or RSG will help you to move into a higher position in your current job. RSA stands for Responsible Service of Alcohol, and will give you the training to be able to serve alcohol, which means that you could move off the floor, and behind the bar. An RSG will enable you to work in the gambling area of a hotel, casino, or establishment and usually comes with a better pay check.

RMLV for Management Positions

The Responsible Management of Licensed Venues training will enable you to take up a management position, which will provide you with a whole lot of experiences which are next level or further. Once you have held a management position you will have the skills to be able to get work pretty much anywhere, as places are always looking for good managers. If you have dreams of working in distant lands, this training will ensure that you are well placed when seeking to work in hotels and other venues, anywhere in the world.


White Cards for Construction

To work in construction you need to have certain certificates and a white card for construction is one of those requirements that you need to have to work in the building trade. Learn some new skills and get the qualifications you need to become one of those earning good money for their labour.

Food Safety Supervisor

Just your everyday regular hospitality work can lead to a much higher position with food safety supervisory training. The licensing boards that oversee restaurants and food venues food safety requirements are paid well for the job that they do in ensuring that all food safety requirements are being carried out by the owners of the venue. If you can see yourself in this role, then perhaps this training could be for you.

Business Skills

Extra skills in business will open a lot of doors for the person who is willing to put in the work to learn some new skills as they undergo training in business. The skills that are learnt could mean the difference between a boring office job, and moving into something a bit more higher paying, and with more responsibility. For more information about any of these courses go to

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