Serious Injury Claims

Whenever an accident occurs there is usually some amount of trauma involved depending on the severity of the accident. No matter how small or large the scale of the accident, it is always wise to seek medical attention after any accident. The fact is that you are not a doctor and even if you are, it is a well known and established fact that injuries can sometimes reveal themselves months of even years after. You could then be left out in the cold with no assistance for a serious injury claim that was caused by someone else’s negligence or lack of attention.

It is very important that no matter how good you feel and how minor you think an accident might be, to consult a doctor, and in some cases a solicitor. Consulting with a qualified medical practitioner after any accident will give you the peace of mind and satisfaction that all is well within your body, and just in case it is not, will let you know that further medical tests and monitoring may be necessary in order to safeguard your health. The information revealed may also alert you  to file a serious injury claim.

It is advisable to consult with a legal firm after an accident because unfortunately most of the time people are not aware of their rights and the protection afforded them under the law. It is a fact that a lot of people are battling with huge medical expenses caused by injury and have received no compensation. Some have never even filed a serious injury claim. These expenses are sometimes more than the accident victim had bargained for. A solicitor can make sure you understand clearly the consequences of your injuries and the resulting expenses you may incur.

You could face situations such as extended time off from your job after your sick leave has ended. You may or may not be entitled to additional paid time off from work and will now be home or in the hospital with no source of income. It is very easy for medical bills to pile up at a time like this and can get even more complicated. What about when your company’s insurance is exhausted? You will now have to rely on the government’s public health system and will no longer be able to choose for yourself.  Medical expenses are not the only expenses you will face, life goes on even when you have a serious injury claim.

Unfortunately your expenses do not stop just because you were the victim of an accident, all your utilities and every day expenses will continue to accrue. You will need to have a plan in place, to assist with these bills if you are no longer able to earn. Your potential loss of earnings is another factor to be taken into consideration, along with your medical bills in filing a serious injury claim.  An accident is not only traumatic but can be very disruptive as well. Let the solicitors of Priority Legal assist you in resuming your normal life as quickly as possible.

About the Writer
Vince White writes for

One Comment

  1. Rye Yhanne said:

    Most of us are not aware of our rights, this article is such a great start.

    October 10, 2013

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